Hi there, welcome to my homepage. I am a 5th year Ph.D. student in Biostatistics at the University of Iowa. Prior to join Biostatitics, I studied in Industrial Engineering for my Bacholar and Master degrees, where I built up my background in machine learing, data mining, mathematical modeling and optimizaiton.
My current Ph.D. research focuses on high-dimensional statistical machine learning with applications to analyzing large-scale, ultrahigh-dimensional data sets that are now commonly seen in a wide range of areas such as genetics, genomics, image recognition, and text mining. In particular, I love building scalable machine learning products that facilitate advanced Big Data analytics.
In my spare time, I like reading books, listening to music (such as folk music, British Rock, epic music). I love running and I've successfully finished 2016 Bank of America Chicago Marathon (full) and 2015 IMT Des Moines Marathon (half).
I can be reached at: yaohui-zeng@uiowa.edu.
Here are some other links about me: Google Scholar, LinkedIn, GitHub,